The story of a traditional Swiss chalet

The Hotel Chalet Swiss, one of the oldest Swiss chalets, looks back on a long and eventful history. From its beginnings in the 19th century to the present day, it has constantly evolved – always with the aim of preserving tradition and hospitality.


Bau des Schweizer Chalets

Der Grundstein für das heutige Hotel Chalet Swiss wurde gelegt. Der damalige Regierungsstatthalter Jakob Ritschard ließ ein stattliches Bauernhaus errichten, dessen Sitzöfen mit dem Namen des Erbauers noch heute im Speisesaal zu finden sind.


Neue Nutzung als Wohn- und Bürohaus

Otto Rieder, Bezirksagent der Schweizer Mobiliar Versicherung, erwarb das Gebäude. Er richtete Büros im Parterre ein, während die oberen Stockwerke als Wohnungen vermietet wurden.


Renovierung und Modernisierung

Frau Schmidt aus Arbon übernahm das Haus und führte umfangreiche Renovierungen durch. Zentralheizung, Toiletten und Bäder wurden installiert, und die Zimmer wurden modernisiert.


Erweiterung zum Hotel

Ein großer Schritt: Westlich des Hauses wurde ein neuer Zimmertrakt angebaut. Kurz darauf erfolgte der Dachgeschossausbau. Das Hotel verfügte nun über 31 Zimmer, größtenteils mit eigenem Bad oder Dusche/WC.


Weiterer Ausbau im Chaletstil

Ein Neubau wurde geplant und realisiert, um den steigenden Bedürfnissen der Gäste gerecht zu werden. Das neue Gebäude integrierte sich harmonisch in den bestehenden Chaletstil.


Wechsel in der Leitung

Frau Schmidt stellte René Klopfer als Direktionsassistenten ein. Er übernahm später die Gesamtleitung des Betriebs.


Übernahme durch Familie Klopfer

Nach langen Verhandlungen übernahm Familie Klopfer das Hotel. Die Front des Hauptgebäudes wurde unter Denkmalschutz gestellt, und viele ursprüngliche Strukturen wurden wieder sichtbar gemacht.


Neuer Besitz – Gleiche Werte

Nach fast 25 Jahren übergab Familie Klopfer das Hotel an die Brüder Bogdan und Bosko Trifunovic. Das bestehende Team blieb erhalten, um die persönliche und familiäre Atmosphäre weiterhin zu gewährleisten.


Guest honors

Honoring long-standing guests for their loyalty and valuable association with the Hotel Chalet Swiss

Mr. & Mrs. Peter and Deborah Clarke (center) were honored with the “Golden Key” for 20 years as guests at the Hotel Chalet Swiss on 1 July 2009. The Golden Key with certificate was presented by the municipal councillor of Unterseen-Interlaken, Ms. Ingrid Hofer (right). Ms. Alice Galli (Marketing) from Interlaken Tourism and two journalists from the local press were also present at the ceremony.

We would like to thank Peter & Deborah for 20 years of loyalty to us and our company.

René & Therese Klopfer (former owners)

Mr. & Mrs. Richard and Carol Jenkinson were honored on September 17, 2009 with the “Golden Key” for 10 consecutive years as guests at the Hotel Chalet Swiss. However, the couple visited us for the first time 15 years ago. The Golden Key with certificate was presented by the municipal councillor of Unterseen-Interlaken, Ms. Ingrid Hofer (right). Also present at the ceremony were Mr. Stefan Otz (2nd from left) from Interlaken Tourism and a journalist from the local press.

We would like to thank Richard & Carol for over 10 years of loyalty to us and our company.

René & Therese Klopfer (former owners)

Mr. Erich Lichtenberger was honoured with the “Golden Key” on 5 September 2019 for 10 consecutive years as a guest at the Hotel Chalet Swiss. Erich Lichtenberger (2nd from left), who has often spent his hiking vacations with us in recent years together with his brother Christian (2nd from right), has also been a guest in the Jungfrau region from time to time in the past. The “Golden Key” with a certificate and many gifts was presented to him by the municipal councillor of Unterseen, Mr. Ernst Vögeli (1st from left). Also present at the ceremony was Mr. Daniel Sulzer (1st from right) Director of Interlaken Tourism, who emphasized the importance of regular guests for the region.

We would like to thank Erich Lichtenberger for his 10 years of loyalty to us and our hotel and hope that he and his brother Christian will spend many more vacations with us.

René & Therese Klopfer (former owners) with the Chalet Swiss Team

Ms. Pauline Martin was honoured with the “Golden Key” for 10 consecutive years as a guest at the Hotel Chalet Swiss on 21 August 2020. Mrs. Martin (seated left), who has stayed with us for at least 10 days or longer in the last 10 years, has stayed with us several times before. In fact, she visited Interlaken for the first time over 40 years ago, back then with her now deceased husband. She loves Switzerland and the Jungfrau Region in particular and feels right at home here. This is why she has spent her vacations with us so regularly, especially in recent years. In addition to the host couple, the ceremony was also attended by local councillor Ernst Vögeli, who presented the golden key with a certificate and gifts. Tourism Director Daniel Sulzer, who had just returned from a mountain tour to the Jungfrau, was also present. In addition to other gifts, he also brought a stone from the summit of the Jungfrau. Pauline Martin is particularly proud of this unusual gift.

We would like to thank Pauline for her many stays at our hotel and hope that she will spend many more vacations with us.

René & Therese Klopfer (former owners) with the Chalet Swiss Team

The history of one of the oldest Swiss chalets:

The history of one of the oldest Swiss chalets:

The history of one of the oldest Swiss chalets: